Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Sisterly Wisdom

The Reality of Vegas

My sister has been taking yearly trips to Las Vegas with my brother, Jack, for about 3 years. This year she has said it is her last trip. They go for the drag races, and she says that she can only see cars go around in circles so many times and for so many years before she gets bored….REALLY; is the only thing I can think. Geezus, I would have nixed this trip after the first half-hour of the first year! Anyway Jane doesn't want to be away from her grandsons on Halloween and that has been when the drags have been the last couple of years…good excuse right?

This year she was astounded at the soullessness of the city. She took public transportation so she could be independent of my brother. She was absolutely shocked at what she saw. There was a woman that was quite pregnant riding the bus, probably on her way to the hospital to deliver, when the woman asked her brother for a fifth of vodka which the brother more than willingly gave to her. My sister's mouth hung open, and then it pursed in disgust. This woman was OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT! She moved on from that, but she discovered a lot of drunkenness, homelessness, poverty, and addiction of every sort. Now, get this; the thing that bothered her the most wasn't the fact that these people were drunks, addicts or homeless, but for God's sake; why did they have to be LITTERBUGS!!! She didn't judge the fact that people were choosing to abuse whatever they chose to abuse but the fact that they were litterbugs was inexcusable! She kills me, and I love her.

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