I work in an industry where women come in to shop, and shop for, usually, quite awhile. It always surprises me when women walk in with their "trailors" (husbands, boyfriends, etc.). I am about to admit that I am sexist. Yes, friends, I am sexist. I am going to tell you right now most men don't give a rat's ass what you wear, and if they do they are usually out of date, cheap, and lack an understanding of current women's fashions. That isn't to say that you shouldn't care what your men like and dislike, but you should never sacrifice your own sense of style for anyone, and men especially. I have never seen so many men as bored as they are when some woman drags them out to shop for clothes. Women will try stuff on, come out of their fitting rooms, and more often than not ask what their significant other thinks, and they will inevitabley give some apathetic answer like: "you look fine" punctuated with a yawn or some kind of dry look when the woman disappears into the fitting room again. If women need an opinion that they can trust, if not a salesperson, take a girlfriend. Girlfriend's get women's fashions, understand the money it takes to dress, and actually give a rat's ass.
Now here is the sexist comment I just have to state: I will take the male gender when I need to shop for: a computer, television, tools, anything electrical, cars, plumbing, cell phones, outdoor gear, fishing poles, skiing gear, camping gear, snow shoeing, etc. plus these are things that most males want to shop for, and want to lay money the down.
1 comment:
Well put. I must agree with you Aunt Dene. I don't think I could even get Kris inside the store though. As for taking Kris shopping period....it is just a bad idea all around. Unless something is FREE....he wants nothing to do with it! I can't take him anywhere when there is a plan to spend $.
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