I Do Want That!
Let me introduce you to my sister, Jane. Every Sunday morning at 9:00 am we have coffee talk; literally. We live in separate states and she'll make coffee and I'll make coffee, and then we'll call each other for a weekly catch-up. We've been doing this now for probably 7 years. It is something I really look forward to. I will pass some of our thoughts on life on to you.
My first installment isn't actaully one of these weekly chats. It is an in-person chat we had one evening when I surprised my family with an unannounced visit to Utah.
Jane and I were talking one night in her apartment with our feet curled underneath us, lights dim. We conversed about the upcoming presidential election, growing old, watching our weight, blah, blah, blah. Then Jane asked me if I had seen this extreme makeover show where the women go through extensive surgical procedures: nose jobs, liposuction, breast implants, etc., etc. Jane told me that come time for the big "unveiling" the person doesn't even remotely look like they did before. She said this with great disgust in her voice. I, of course, agreed with her, and was similarly disgusted. We threw out hypotheses as to what was wrong with these people, why would you choose not to even look like your mom or dad, or any of your relatives for that matter? What was wrong with this country that it would promote this type of "makeover" and consider it a good thing?
Then our conversation segued into my sister's weight fluctuations, and age. She has always struggled with her weight, and currently she feels heavier then she's ever felt. As a good sister I sympathize, try to lighen her worries with some light-hearted wit, and then suddenly she bursts out with: "I TAKE IT BACK! I DO WANT AN EXTREME MAKEOVER! I DO WANT THAT! I DO WANT THAT! I DO, I DO, I DO! I DON'T WANT TO LOOK LIKE MYSELF ANYMORE! At this point we are both laughing hysterically, and our sides are hurting. tears are close to the surface, and we admit we are hypocrites.
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